

2023年度 今村英二・山室真澄(2022)炭素・窒素安定同位体比によるアメリカザリガニの餌資源と捕食者に関する検討 陸水学雑誌 83 (2): 103-114.
2022年度 重田 遙・中山絹子・八島未和・犬伏和之・坂本 充 (2021) 尾瀬ヶ原における泥炭土壌系の物理化学的性状・窒素代謝特性と洪水影響 陸水学雑誌 82 (3):239-256.
2021年度 東川 航・吉村 真由美・八木 剛・前藤 薫 (2019) 水田地帯における赤とんぼの衰退と保全に関する課題-生息地利用の視点から- 陸水学雑誌 80 (3):107-124.
2020年度 村上 哲生 (2018) 御嶽山による火山災害と王滝川水系(長野県)のpH変化との関連についての検証,及びそれが地域社会の変貌に与えた影響についての考察. 陸水学雑誌 79 (1):19-39.
2019年度 川越 保徳・古閑 仁美・末永 雄一・濱 武英・伊藤 紘晃 (2018) 平成28年熊本地震による地下水水質への影響. 陸水学雑誌 79 (3):147-158.
2018年度 宮原 裕一・浅井 和由 (2016) 長野県諏訪湖集水域における陸水のクロロフルオロカーボン類汚染. 陸水学雑誌 77 (1): 1-12.
菅井 隆吉・溝山 勇・管原 庄吾・清家 泰 (2016) 周辺部河川からの宍道湖への汚濁負荷流入特性. 陸水学雑誌 77 (2): 117-136.
2017年度 河鎭 龍・伊澤 智博・北野 聡・永田 貴丸・坂本 正樹・花里 孝幸 (2015) 白樺湖における生物操作に伴う移入種オオクチバスの食性変化. 陸水学雑誌 76 (3): 193-201.

Limnology Excellent Paper Award

2023年度 Daniel K. Szydlowski, Melissa K. Daniels, Eric R. Larson (2022) Do rusty crayfish (Faxonius rusticus) invasions affect water clarity in north temperate lakes? Limnology 23 (1): 219–230.
2022年度 Yoshikuni Hodoki, Tadatoshi Koitabashi, Yukiko Goda, Tetsuji Akatsuka, Shin‑ichi Nakano (2020) Long‑term variation in abundance of the non‑native phytoplankton Micrasterias hardyi (Zygnematophyceae, Streptophyta) in Lake Biwa, Japan. Limnology 21 (1): 67-72.
2021年度 Kenji Tsuchiya, Noriko Tomioka, Tomoharu Sano, Ayato Kohzu, Kazuhiro Komatsu, Akio Imai, Kazuhide Hayakawa, Takamaru Nagata, Takahiro Okamoto, Yoshinori Hirose (2020) Decrease in bacterial production over the past three decades in the north basin of Lake Biwa, Japan. Limnology 21 (1): 87-96.
2020年度 Hiroki Mizumoto, Hirokazu Urabe, Takashi Kanbe, Michio Fukushima, Hitoshi Araki (2018) Establishing an environmental DNA method to detect and estimate the biomass of Sakhalin taimen, a critically endangered Asian salmonid. Limnology 19 (2): 219-227.
Yurie Otake, Maiko Kagami, Takeo Kuriyama, Takehito Yoshida (2019) Spatial heterogeneity in induced defense of Brachionus calyciflorus within a single lake caused by a bed of floating-leaved macrophyte Trapa species. Limnology 20 (1): 29-38.
2019年度 Hiroki Yamanaka, Toshifumi Minamoto, Junichi Matsuura, Sho Sakurai, Satsuki Tsuji, Hiromu Motozawa, Masamichi Hongo, Yuki Sogo, Naoki Kakimi, Iori Teramura, Masaki Sugita, Miki Baba, Akihiro Kondo (2017) A simple method for preserving environmental DNA in water samples at ambient temperature by addition of cationic surfactant. Limnology 18 (2): 233-241.
Nguyen Cong Thuan, Keisuke Koba, Midori Yano, Akiko Makabe, Co Thi Kinh, Akihiko Terada, Sakae Toyoda, Naohiro Yoshida, Yotaro Tanaka, Masanori Katsuyama, Muneoki Yoh (2018)
N2O production by denitrification in an urban river: evidence from isotopes, functional genes, and dissolved organic matter. Limnology 19 (1): 115-126.
2018年度 Eric R. Larson, Laura A. Twardochleb, Julian D. Olden (2017) Comparison of trophic function between the globally invasive crayfishes Pacifastacus leniusculusand Procambarus clarkii. Limnology 18 (3): 275-286.
2017年度 Takaoka S (2015) Origin and geographical characteristics of ponds in a high mountain region of central Japan. Limnology 16 (2): 103-112.


Sato M, Nishijima S, Miyashita T (2014) Differences in refuge function for prey and tolerance to crayfish among macrophyte species. Limnology 15 (1): 27-35.
Kaliszewicz A (2015) Conspecific alarm cues induce an alternative reproductive strategy in aquatic oligochaetes. Limnology 16 (2): 85-90.
Takasu H, Kunihiro T, Nakano S-i (2013) Estimation of carbon biomass and community structure of planktonic bacteria in Lake Biwa using respiratory quinone analysis. Limnology 14 (3): 247-256.
Mukai Y, Suzuki T, Makino W, Iwabuchi T, So M, Urabe J (2014) Ecological impacts of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami on aquatic animals in rice paddies. Limnology 15 (3): 201-211.
小林草平・赤松史一・中西哲・矢島良紀・三輪準二・天野邦彦 (2013) 河川水辺の国勢調査から見た日本の河川底生動物群集:全現存量と主要分類群の空間分布. 陸水学雑誌74 (3): 129-152.
Drake WM, Scott JT, Evans-White M, Haggard B, Sharpley A, Rogers CW, Grantz EM (2012) The effect of periphyton stoichiometry and light on biological phosphorus immobilization and release in streams. Limnology 13 (1): 97-106.
Nagai T, Tomioka N, Kawasaki T, Imai A, Matsushige K (2011) In-situ growth rate of Microcystis spp. and their growth-limiting factors: use of cellular RNA content. Limnology 12 (3), 235-243.
Arai H, Fukushima T, Komatsu K (2012) Increase in silicon concentrations and release from suspended solids and bottom sediments in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. Limnology 13 (1): 81-95.