


芳村 毅・工藤 勲


 1995年6月1997年3月にかけて渡島大沼において調査をおこない,栄養塩の時空間分布を明らかにするとともに植物プランクトンの生長制限要因を推定した。 大沼では一年を通して窒素態栄養塩は多量に残存している一方で,溶存反応性リンは結氷期および数回の観測日を除き,全層にわたって非常に低濃度であることが明らかとなった。 栄養塩現存量のN:P比は74-3000(モル比)であり,窒素と比較してリンの現存量の割合が非常に小さかった。 クロロフィルa濃度は5-22μgL-1(平均12μgL-1)であり,一年を通して植物プランクトン現存量が高いことが明らかとなったが,植物プランクトンのC :PおよびN:P比はレッドフィールド比(C:P = 106,N:P = 16)を上回っており,生長がリン制限を受けている傾向が見られた。 また,単位クロロフィルa当たりのアルカリフォスファターゼ活性が0.2-1.4n mol - P μg Chlorophyll a-1 min-1と高かったことからも植物プランクトンがリン制限下にあったことが示唆されたが,リン制限の程度は季節により大きく異なっていたことが明らかとなった。 アルカリフォスファターゼ活性は比較的簡便に測定することができ,栄養塩濃度からは明らかにならない植物プランクトンのリンに関する制限状態を判断するよい指標であった。


[ Original article ]

Seasonal variations nutrients and a factor limiting plytoplankton Growth in Lake Ohnuma
Takeshi YOSHIMURA and Isao KUDO

Graduate School of Fisheries Science, Hokkaido Unicersity,
3-1-1 Minato, Hakodate 041-8611, Japan.
※Present address : Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry,
1646 Abiko, Abiko, Chiba 270-1194, Japan.


Nutrient concentrations and alkaline phosphatase activity were measured in Lake Ohnuma from June 1995 to March 1997. Sufficient amounts of dissolved inorganic citrogen remained throughout the year, whereas soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations were extremely low (close to the detection limit). The N:P ratio in the standing stock of nutrients ranged 74-3000 (by atoms), far richer in nitrogen than the Redfield ratio. Chlorophyll a concentrations were high (5-22 μgL-1) during icefree seasons, but the elemental composition of phytoplankton exhibited a moderate phosphorus deficiency. A high seasonal variability in alkaline phosphatase activity suggested that not only was phytoplankton growth highly limited by phosphorus, but that the degree of this limitation varied. Alkaline phosphatase activity served as a simple and an effective indicator for judging the phosphorus status of phytoplankton.

Key words : nutrients, alkaline phosphatase activity, phosphorus limitation, Lake Ohnuma

E-mail (Takeshi Yoshimura) : ytakeshi@criepi.denken.or.jp


上田 拓史・木村 英俊


愛媛県重信川流域の6つの泉において2000年6月から10月にかけて4回,動植物プランクトン採集と環境要素の測定を行った。 泉の栄養塩濃度は中〜富栄養のレベルであったが,クロロフィルa濃度は4泉が平均1.0μgL–1以下で,貧栄養湖の値に相当した。 植物プランクトンは細胞密度が低い場合はFragilariaを中心に珪藻類が優占したが,高くなると珪藻類とともにクラミドモナス科の緑藻類や黄色鞭毛藻類Dinobryonが優占した。 動物プランクトンについては原生動物とワムシ類が通常優占し,密度はそれぞれ4.6〜47.9 inds.L–1,2.8〜30.3 inds.L–1で,貧栄養湖の密度より少なかった。 浮遊性カイアシ類はTropocyclops prasinusのみで,植物プランクトンの多い泉にだけ出現した。 吸虫類のセルカリア幼生が多量に出現する泉があった(最大299.1 inds.L–1)。 水位の下がった泉,すなわち流入量が少なく滞留時間が長いと考えられる泉ほどプランクトンが多かった。 このことは,泉のプランクトン密度の増加が地下水流入による水の交換速度によって制限されていることを示唆している。


[ Original article ]

Plankton of spring waters in the Shigenobu River basin
Hiroshi UEDA1) and Hidetoshi KIMURA2)

1)Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University,
Bunkyo-cho 3, Matsuyama 790-8577
2)Department of Biology and Earth Science, Faculty of Science, Ehime University,
Bunkyo-cho 2-5, Matsuyama 790-8577


Plankton and limnological conditions were investigated in six spring waters in the basin of the Shigenobu River, Shikoku Island, Japan, four times from June to October 2000. Nutrient concentrations in the spring waters were as high as those seen in meso- or eutrophic lakes. In contrast, mean chlorophyll-a concentrations in four of the surveyed waters were less than 1 μg L–1. These low values are equivalent to those present in oligotrophic lakes. When the phytoplankton density was low, phytoplankton consisted mainly of diatoms, usually Fragilaria, but when it was high, Chlamydomonadaceae and Chrysophyceae (Dinobryon) as well as diatoms were dominant. The major components of microzooplankton were usually protozoans and rotifers. Their mean abundances were 4.6-47.9 and 2.8-30.3 inds. L–1, respectively, which were less than those observed in oligotrophic lakes. Tropocyclops prasinus was the only planktonic species among copepods, and occurred only in spring waters with high phytoplankton densities; others are considered benthic or groundwater species. In one spring water, cercaria stage larvae of Trematoda was the most abundant zooplankton (maximum 299.1 inds. L–1). Microzooplankters were most abundant when the water level was lowest, and rotifers were significantly more abundant when the water level was low. Since the low water level is considered to be due to a decrease in the welling of groundwater, these results suggest that the densities of plankton in the spring waters are limited by replacement by groundwater.Key words: spring water, plankton, nutrients, chlorophyll a, rotifer, cercaria

E-mail (H. Ueda): hueda@dpc.ehime-u.ac.jp


朴 虎東・横山 淳史・沖野 外輝夫


 諏訪湖においてもいち早くmicrocystinの生産,吸着,物理化学的分解,生物蓄積そして生物分解に関する研究が開始された。諏訪湖のアオコ毒素microcystinの消長については,1991年から1998年まで8年間に及ぶ長期観測が行われた。 その結果,Microcystisのアオコ形成初期に見られる細胞の増殖期には細胞内microcystin濃度が高いが,アオコの衰退時には細胞外microcystinの濃度が高いことが分かった。 このようにアオコの衰退時期にはMicrocystisの細胞は分解が進み,細胞からmicrocystinが溶出することにより湖水濾液中のmicrocystinの割合が高くなる。
 諏訪湖産の淡水二枚貝,イシガイ(Unio douglasiae), ドブガイ(Anodonta woodiana), カラスガイ(Cristaria plicata)はmicrocystinを蓄積することが分かった。 特に,毒素の含有量が多いイシガイについて,部位別のmicrocystin含有率を示すと,中腸腺が53%,鰓と筋肉が34%,生殖腺が6%,消化管7%となり,microcystinの多くは貝の肝臓に当たる中腸腺に蓄積されていることが明らかにされた。 諏訪湖の二枚貝における中腸腺のmicrocystin最大蓄積量はイシガイが420μg g-1,カラスガイが297μg g-1,ドブガイが12.6 μg g-1で,最大含有量は貝の種類により大きな差が見られた。 また,朴らは諏訪湖からmicrocystin-RR, -YR, -LRを特異的に分解する新属新種のバクテリアを単離することに成功した。 このバクテリアは20μg mL-1のmicrocystinを数日ですべて分解することができる。 Microcystinの分解速度は分解時の温度に強く影響され,30℃で最も分解率が高いことを報告した。
 水源池になっている湖沼におけるアオコ毒素の存在は健康被害の危険性をはらんでいることから,浄水場には定期的なモニタリングのシステムを完備するなどの危機管理が必要である。 また,microcystin分解バクテリアの動態を明らかにし,microcystin分解機構を詳細に解明するこができれば,水源池におけるアオコ毒素の処理に用いられる分解・除去方法に,その知見を応用することができると期待される。


Special issue:Studies on the organic community in Lake Suwa
[ Review ]

Fate of microcystin in Lake Suwa
Ho-Dong PARK, Atsushi YOKOYAMA and Tokio OKINO

Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science,
Shinshu University, Matsumoto 390-8621, Japan


The fate of microcystin in the aquatic ecosystem has been investigated by many researchers throughout the world. Possible pathways of microcystins in Lake Suwa were studied from five perspectives: production, adsorption, physiochemical decomposition, bioaccumulation and biodegradation. Temporal variability in the concentration of microcystin was investigated during the warm seasons of eight years (1991-1998) in the lake. High concentrations of intracellular microcystin were found during the exponential growth phase of the blooms, whereas concentrations of extracellular microcystin were highest at the end of the blooms. However, concentrations of extracellular microcystin remained very low compared to the levels of intracellular microcystin. The relatively high percentages of microcystin in filtered lake water at the end of blooms suggests that the release of microcystin from cells occurs during senescence and the decomposition period of Microcystis cells.
Freshwater unionid bivalves, Anodonta woodiana, Cristaria plicata and Unio douglasiae, bioaccumulated the microcystins into mussels in the lake. Microcystins were detected in the hepatopancreas (53% of total microcystin in the mussel), gill and muscle (34%), gonad (6%) and gut (7%) of U. douglasiae. The maximum concentration of microcystin in the hepatopancreas of bivalves, was 12.6 (A. woodiana), 297 (C. plicata), and 420 (U. douglasiae) μg g-1 dry weight, respectively. A bacterium, a new species or even a new genus capable of degrading microcystins-RR, -YR and –LR, was isolated from the lake. When the bacterium was added to microcystins present in a culture medium, the microcystins were degraded thoroughly in a few days. The degradation rate was strongly dependent on temperature the maximum rate was at 30℃.
The presence of a cyanobacterial toxin can be a potential threat, and therefore water treatment requires more attention. A complete understanding of the mechanism of microcystin degradation in the ecosystems requires more intensive study, including a quantitative enumeration of microcystin-degrading bacteria. This should be done in conjunction with a study on the microbial ecological mechanism of the degradation of cyanobacteria itself.

Key words: Lake Suwa, microcystin, fate of microcystin, cyanotoxin

E-mail (H.-D. Park) : pparknd@gipac.shinshu-u.ac.jp


山本 雅道・沖野外 輝夫


 第二次世界大戦後(1946〜1999年)の諏訪湖の魚類群集の変遷を漁業統計を中心に分析した。 漁業統計は、諏訪湖漁業協同組合の年度ごとの漁獲統計表を、暦年に整理し直して用いた。 諏訪湖の総漁獲量は1946年より1970年にかけて増加し、それ以降減少に転じ、1999年には1946年以降での最低漁獲量を記録している。 漁獲物は、魚類、貝類、エビ類に大別し、それぞれの漁獲量の変遷について検討した。 1970年頃までの漁獲量上昇期には、貝類が漁獲量の1/2〜1/3を占めていた年もあるが、魚類の中ではワカサギとフナが主要な漁獲物であった。 また、この時期には多様な魚種が漁獲されていたことは特筆に値する。 1970年以降では、漁獲物の大半がワカサギとなり、貝類の漁獲量は激減、フナも減産の一途を辿った。 近年は、ワカサギ、フナ、コイ以外の魚種はほとんど採取されなくなっており、ワカサギに次いで漁獲量第2位であったフナに替わってコイの漁獲量が増える傾向にある。 1970年を境に諏訪湖の漁獲量が減少した理由の一つに湖畔の埋立、浚渫工事による沿岸域の水生植物帯の減少を挙げることができる。最近の諏訪湖の総漁獲量は1970年代のおよそ1/4程度であり、ワカサギの漁獲量もおよそ1/10に減少している。 その主な原因としては、漁業者の高齢化や魚価の低廉化による漁獲意欲の減退も考えられる。 しかしながら、最近の漁獲量の減少を漁業者の漁獲意欲減退だけでは説明できない状況もあり、諏訪湖の湖沼環境が変化したことの影響についても合わせて検討する必要がある。

Special issue:Studies on the organic community in Lake Suwa
[ Review ]

Fish community in Lake Suwa: Based on the fishery statistics report of the Lake Suwa Fishery Cooperative
Masamichi YAMAMOTO 1) and Tokio OKINO 2)

1)Reserch and Education Center for Inlandwater Environment, Shinshu University,
5-2-4, Kogandori, Suwa 392-0027, Japan
2)Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Shinshu University,
3-1-1 Asahi, Matsumoto 390-8621, Japan


Changes in the fish community in Lake Suwa after World War II were analyzed based on fishery statistics data describing the amount of fish landed on an annual basis reported by the Lake Suwa Fishery Cooperative. The total amount of fish landed in Lake Suwa increased from 1946, reached a peak in 1970, and then decreased and recorded its lowest amount in 1999. Resource species caught in the fisheries were basically categorized into fish, shellfish and shrimp. During the period of increasing catches in Lake Suwa prior to 1970, pond smelt Hyposesus transpacificus nipponensis and crucian carp Carassius carassius were the major species, although there were some years when shellfish species accounted for a ratio of 1/2 to 1/3 of the total catch. It should be especially noted that diverse fish species were caught during the years when the fishery catch was increasing. During the period after 1970, most of the species caught were smelt fish, and the catch of shellfish decreased drastically while that of crucian carp was constantly decreasing. Fish species other than smelt, crucian carp and common carp were rarely caught in recent years, and the catch of common carp was catching up with the amount of crucian carp, which was the 2nd highest catch following smelt. The recent annual catch from Lake Suwa was about 1/4 of that in the 1970s, and the catch of pond smelt has decreased to 1/10 of that in the 1970s. One of the reasons for the decrease in the amount of fish landed since 1970 may be a decrease in the aquatic plant area along the coastline due to the reclamation and dredging of the littoral zone. The decline in fishing due to the aging of fishermen and the reduction in fish prices could be other reasons. As there are some situations that cannot be explained only by the decline in the fishing conation of fishermen, the reduction of the fish catch should be discussed also in the context of the influence of changes in the aquatic environment of Lake Suwa. Regarding changes in the composition of fish fauna, alien fish species such as largemouth bass and bluegill as well as ukigori (floating goby) are also increasing in recent years. Such changes should be carefully observed in future.Key words: Lake Suwa, fish fauna, statistics on fish catch

Email (M.Yamamoto) : bassyam@gipac.shinshu-u.ac.jp




 1998年3月から2000年11月にかけて,琵琶湖南湖周辺の10市町村の琵琶湖岸,内湖,河川,水路,池など879地点を調査し,16科42属55種(亜種を含む)の魚類を採集した。 オイカワ,カワムツA型,カワムツB型,タモロコ,カマツカ,ギンブナ,アユ,トウヨシノボリなどの在来種はおおくの調査地点に分布していた。 一方,外来種のブルーギルtやオオクチバスも多くの調査地点で採集された。 分布パターンを魚種で分類するためにクラスター分析を行った結果,AからDの4つのクラスターが不明瞭ながら認められ,分布パターンと地形との間に関係が認められた。 オイカワやカマツカに代表されるクラスターAとタイリクバラタナゴやメダカに代表されるクラスターBの多くは,デルタ帯,扇状地帯に広く分布するが,カワムツA型やタモロコに代表されるクラスターBの一部はデルタ帯に分布しない。 その一方で,カワムツB型に代表されるクラスターCは丘陵地に分布し,ブルーギル(クラスターD)はデルタ帯に分布していた。 タモロコやカワムツA型などクラスターBの一部の魚種はブルーギルの影響を強く受けているものと思われた。


[ Note ]

Relationship between fish distribution pattern and geomorphology in the Konan area surrounding the southern part of Lake Biwa
Tsuneo NAKAJIMA1), Yasuhiro FUJIOKA2), Masayoshi MAEHATA1),
Taisuke OHTSUKA1), Katsuyuki FUJIMOTO3), Tomoo NAGATA4),
Tomoyuki SATO4), Yasuyuki YAMADA4), Hiroyuki HAMAGUCHI5),
Yuko KIDO5) and Maki ENDO6)

1)Lake Biwa Museum, Oroshimo-cho 1091, Kusatsu, 525-0001, Japan
2)Fishery Management Division, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries,
Shiga Prefectual Government, Kyomachi 4-1-1, Otsu, 520-8577, Japan
3)Honkatada3-5-5, Otsu, 520-0242 Japan
4)Kansai Environmental Engineering Center Co., Ltd.,
Miyazu Energy Research Center Aquarium,
c/o Lake Biwa Museum, Oroshimo-cho 1091, Kusatsu, 525-0001, Japan
5)Shinshu Inc. c/o Lake Biwa Museum, Oroshimo-cho 1091, Kusatsu, 525-0001, Japan
6)Nakanosyo 1-5-31, Otsu, 520-0837, Japan


Fish distributions were surveyed in the Konan area surrounding the southern part of Lake Biwa from March 1998 to November 2000. From 879 localities, fishes of 16families, 42genera, and 55species or subspecies were collected. Native fishes such as Zacco platypus, Zacco sp., Zacco temmincke, Gnathopogon elongatus elongatus, Pseudogobio e. esocinus, Carassisus auratus langsdorfii, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, and Rhinogobius sp. were collected at many localities confirming that they were widely distributed. The introduced fishes Lepomis macrochirus and Micropterus salmoides were also found in a large number of localities. The distribution patterns of individual species are related to geomorphology. The A-type pattern is represented by Zacco platypus, which is distributed in both delta and alluvial fan areas. The B-type pattern is represented by Zacco sp. and Gnathopogon e. elongatus, which is distributed only in the alluvial fan area. The C-type pattern is represented by Zacco temmincki, which is distributed in hilly areas. The D-type pattern is represented by Lepomis macrochirus and Micropterus sallmoides, which are restricted to the delta area. The fishes that exhibit the B-type pattern were originally distributed in both the delta and alluvial fan areas, but thet seem to have retreated from the delta area following the introduction of Lepomis macrochirus and Misropterus salmoides.

Key words: Shiga, watershed of Lake Biwa, fish distribution, introduced fish, geomorphology

E-mail (T.Nakajima): nakajima@Ibm.go.jp
